What we have done in 2005

January 2005

Tsunami Disaster. We concentrated our efforts in helping Sri Lanka. OHTS members worldwide collected a large amount of money for UNICEF in Sri Lanka. In the UK we donated 2 car loads of dried foods: rice, lentils, soup, skimmed milk powder and other dried or tinned foods.

March 2005

Sent a container to a local NGO in The Gambia. Inside the container were school desks and tables, 30000 pencils, 4000 rulers, other school stationery, 22 boxes of childrens books, 3 football goals, footballs, cricket gear and other sports equipment. It also included an anasthetic machine that was sent from our Austrian Office. This machine is much needed in The Gambia and we are told it will save many lives. more pictures...

July 2005

Sent hundreds of toys to the Philani Centre in South Africa.

August 2005

Purchased stationery for schools in the Maldives and clothes for homeless children in Somalia. Run and Become donated 125 pairs of running shoes to an organisation that supports poor but aspiring athletes in Bangladesh.

October 2005

Sent almost 1000 'Drawings of Hope' from 10 schools in UK to children in Indonesia affected by the Tsunami. Around 8000 children have been made orphans by the Tsunami - OHTS is aiming to give drawings to each child. View Drawings of Hope from UK View Drawings of Hope worldwide Sent 9 boxes of medical aid value at around $4500 to Pakistan to areas affected by the earthquake.